1203 N. Broadway - Oak Grove MO 64075

We are happy that you have found our website! Here you can find information about who we are and what we believe.
All are invited to come and learn of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We gather together in devotion and reverence for our Lord and in joyful fellowship with one another. As we do, we pray and trust that blessings will follow as we humbly bow before Him, remembering Him, seeking His forgiveness when we fall short of keeping His commandments, and praying that His Holy Spirit will always be with us to protect and guide us. When we seek Him out in humble submission, His grace and mercy are granted freely.
Please come and study in fellowship with us as a church family striving to build His kingdom. We know His promises are sure if we will humbly seek after Him and reach out to each other with brotherly and sisterly love. May His will be done on earth as it is done in Heaven.
In Gospel Bonds,
the Oak Grove Restoration Branch
Content copyright 2022 ogrb.org All rights reserved.